Today's front page article in the National Post divulges the recent poll result that 27% of Albertans support Alberta separation:
Quebec separation meets ambivalence as more Canadians say they ‘don’t really care’: John Ivison | Full Comment | National Post
This amazing development is a recognition that our work as Western Separatists since 1974 has been effective. Everyday from bilingualism on West Jet to frustration with Ottawa taxation, to realization that Harper has to represent Ontario and Quebec, Albertans are waking up to the reality that they are surrendering their freedom and prosperity to a government they can't control, whose goal is to plunder them.
This reality has been the same since the beginning. The realization has not. Reform and all its false promises has been explored fully and exhausted. Time has now demonstrated Alberta and the West have no alternative but independence for survival and prosperity.
In some small way, I am proud to have contributed to this awakening! No surrender. Free the West!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Thoughts on Canada, the IMF, the Banking Crisis, Censorship, and the Common Thread: Socialism
Mulcair in Alberta:
Mr. Mulcair in Alberta, after flying over the “tar sands” as he calls them and being suitably impressed by their “awesome nature,” has stated that we have “internalized environmental costs.” This, I think means that we should raise prices by introducing environmental levies, depress resource markets by inflating prices, and thereby help out Ontario’s manufacturing industries.
Mulcair’s careful insult to Alberta and the resource sectors of Alberta and Saskatchewan is a brilliant political strategy. He needs to impress half the voters of Ontario and three quarters of the voters or Quebec who already agree with him. They resent Alberta even though Quebec receives billions of dollars in equalization every year.
Canadian Equalization:
On the subject of equalization, the National Post is running an interesting series on the costs of nature of equalization payments between the provinces. Some of the columnists have suggested that equalization could be made more equitable to stimulate resource production in places like Quebec, which probably deliberately suppresses its resource revenues, particularly from hydroelectric power, in order to continue to qualify for equalization. But what is the political incentive to do so? There is none. Equalization is a government-subsidized welfare scheme to take from the hard working middle class taxpayers of rich provinces like Alberta, Saskatchewan, and BC, and distribute to the wealthy bureaucratic elites of the so called “poor” provinces who make themselves deliberately poor, and which are encouraged to remain recipients of equalization.
International Equalization:
Looking at the situation in Europe, the European community is asking the International Monetary Fund for more than the $320 billion in additional funding it has already provided to assist in rescuing Greece. It wants $400 billion more. This again is international equalization from the middle class taxpayers of rich countries like Canada to the pampered bureaucrats of the artificially poor socialist countries of Europe who have overextended socialism beyond their productive means. This, of course, is typical of Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. The internationalist elite of all political stripes have recently been revealed as close buddies. While Mr. Mulcair was in Alberta checking out the oil sands, the Premier of Alberta was at the Bilderberg conference in Virginia and couldn’t meet him. (The leader of the opposition is less important than the Bilderberg conference.)
Canadian / Quebec Elite: Socialists All:
This was further demonstrated recently by the leaking of videotaped coverage of the 2008 birthday party for Mrs. Power Corporation Desmarais, which took place at their luxurious estate in Quebec. In attendance were George H. W. Bush, Jean Chrétien, Brian Mulroney, and Adrienne Clarkson. Interesting to note that all the Canadian political elite, be they Liberal, Conservative, or just establishment like Clarkson, basically all came from and to the province of Quebec for this occasion.
Quebec: The Spoiled Child:
Quebec, the spoiled child of confederation, recipient of billions of dollars in equalization, demonstrates once again that the political elite favour socialism, and socialism favours the political elite. It was designed and explained to people as a way to distribute wealth from the rich to the poor, but ultimately it distributes wealth from the middle class taxpayers to the super-rich elite who make deals with government, much the way that Howard Hughes made deals with the military industrial complex in the United States.
Socialism: The Common Thread:
To top this all off, we see that socialism via Mulcair or via the international community represented by the Bilderbergs or the IMF all amounts to basically the same thing: a birthday party for the super-rich and an increased bureaucratic control which eventually will result in a police state where the biggest crime of all is tax evasion. The government never ceases to delight in telling people how they must pay “their taxes.” The government’s taxes never cease to increase one way or another, as does the strength, power, and authority of the state, diminishing the liberty, initiative, and creativity of the individual.
The United Nations: A Socialist Institution:
Those of us who understand this phenomenon are not surprised by the push to give power to control free speech and the internet to the United Nations. Can you imagine a United Nations bureaucrat, even further removed from any concept of free speech than the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal or various provincial tribunals, and how little power or authority one would have when the costs of representing yourself before such an international tribunal was simply beyond the capacity of anyone. Self-censorship has become the norm here in Canada where people go to jail for writing letters critical of certain groups, and even to question things like the Holocaust as a historical phenomenon results in extensive legal persecution and lengthy criminal and Human Rights Tribunal hearings.
All of this demonstrates that if we take the easy road, run from controversy, pay our taxes, and carry on with the political system we have rather than by a referendum peacefully move to one we prefer, we will eventually end up in a form of individual and political slavery from which there is no peaceful escape.
Independence: The Only Option:
Faced with this reality, Western Canada has no option but independence, to in effect restore the balance between the state and the individual so that the individual, their creative capacity, and their spontaneity and enjoyment of life does not become, as George Orwell predicted in the book 1984, a victim of Big Brother, always at war somewhere in the world, constantly taking away more freedom because of the alleged power of a mysterious foreign terrorist. In the case of “1984”, the terrorist was ironically called Goldstein, and in 2012 although Bin Laden is dead, there remains this nebulous international shifting force against which all liberty must be surrendered in the interests of security.
By the right of democratic referendum, initiative, and recall, Western Canada has the means of prosperity, freedom, and control of the vast territories of Western Canada of, for, and by Western Canadians. It was for the same reason that Americans in 1776 and thereafter decided to separate from the British Empire, which was becoming, as Canada is now, a centralized bureaucratic extracting force, willing to take whatever it needed from its various colonies, much as Ottawa takes and equalizes from its various provinces.
If we don’t create our own media, address these issues in a rational, constructive, peaceful, and democratic way, our adversaries will have the capacity to isolate, alienate, and criminalize each of us. We must stand together or we’ll all hang separately. Let freedom and truth prevail, where truth and error are free in rational discourse to refute each other. Political change is essential for the vital function of the state, which is to protect and preserve the liberty, property, and dignity of the individual. Free the West!
Mr. Mulcair in Alberta, after flying over the “tar sands” as he calls them and being suitably impressed by their “awesome nature,” has stated that we have “internalized environmental costs.” This, I think means that we should raise prices by introducing environmental levies, depress resource markets by inflating prices, and thereby help out Ontario’s manufacturing industries.
Mulcair’s careful insult to Alberta and the resource sectors of Alberta and Saskatchewan is a brilliant political strategy. He needs to impress half the voters of Ontario and three quarters of the voters or Quebec who already agree with him. They resent Alberta even though Quebec receives billions of dollars in equalization every year.
Canadian Equalization:
On the subject of equalization, the National Post is running an interesting series on the costs of nature of equalization payments between the provinces. Some of the columnists have suggested that equalization could be made more equitable to stimulate resource production in places like Quebec, which probably deliberately suppresses its resource revenues, particularly from hydroelectric power, in order to continue to qualify for equalization. But what is the political incentive to do so? There is none. Equalization is a government-subsidized welfare scheme to take from the hard working middle class taxpayers of rich provinces like Alberta, Saskatchewan, and BC, and distribute to the wealthy bureaucratic elites of the so called “poor” provinces who make themselves deliberately poor, and which are encouraged to remain recipients of equalization.
International Equalization:
Looking at the situation in Europe, the European community is asking the International Monetary Fund for more than the $320 billion in additional funding it has already provided to assist in rescuing Greece. It wants $400 billion more. This again is international equalization from the middle class taxpayers of rich countries like Canada to the pampered bureaucrats of the artificially poor socialist countries of Europe who have overextended socialism beyond their productive means. This, of course, is typical of Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. The internationalist elite of all political stripes have recently been revealed as close buddies. While Mr. Mulcair was in Alberta checking out the oil sands, the Premier of Alberta was at the Bilderberg conference in Virginia and couldn’t meet him. (The leader of the opposition is less important than the Bilderberg conference.)
Canadian / Quebec Elite: Socialists All:
This was further demonstrated recently by the leaking of videotaped coverage of the 2008 birthday party for Mrs. Power Corporation Desmarais, which took place at their luxurious estate in Quebec. In attendance were George H. W. Bush, Jean Chrétien, Brian Mulroney, and Adrienne Clarkson. Interesting to note that all the Canadian political elite, be they Liberal, Conservative, or just establishment like Clarkson, basically all came from and to the province of Quebec for this occasion.
Quebec: The Spoiled Child:
Quebec, the spoiled child of confederation, recipient of billions of dollars in equalization, demonstrates once again that the political elite favour socialism, and socialism favours the political elite. It was designed and explained to people as a way to distribute wealth from the rich to the poor, but ultimately it distributes wealth from the middle class taxpayers to the super-rich elite who make deals with government, much the way that Howard Hughes made deals with the military industrial complex in the United States.
Socialism: The Common Thread:
To top this all off, we see that socialism via Mulcair or via the international community represented by the Bilderbergs or the IMF all amounts to basically the same thing: a birthday party for the super-rich and an increased bureaucratic control which eventually will result in a police state where the biggest crime of all is tax evasion. The government never ceases to delight in telling people how they must pay “their taxes.” The government’s taxes never cease to increase one way or another, as does the strength, power, and authority of the state, diminishing the liberty, initiative, and creativity of the individual.
The United Nations: A Socialist Institution:
Those of us who understand this phenomenon are not surprised by the push to give power to control free speech and the internet to the United Nations. Can you imagine a United Nations bureaucrat, even further removed from any concept of free speech than the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal or various provincial tribunals, and how little power or authority one would have when the costs of representing yourself before such an international tribunal was simply beyond the capacity of anyone. Self-censorship has become the norm here in Canada where people go to jail for writing letters critical of certain groups, and even to question things like the Holocaust as a historical phenomenon results in extensive legal persecution and lengthy criminal and Human Rights Tribunal hearings.
All of this demonstrates that if we take the easy road, run from controversy, pay our taxes, and carry on with the political system we have rather than by a referendum peacefully move to one we prefer, we will eventually end up in a form of individual and political slavery from which there is no peaceful escape.
Independence: The Only Option:
Faced with this reality, Western Canada has no option but independence, to in effect restore the balance between the state and the individual so that the individual, their creative capacity, and their spontaneity and enjoyment of life does not become, as George Orwell predicted in the book 1984, a victim of Big Brother, always at war somewhere in the world, constantly taking away more freedom because of the alleged power of a mysterious foreign terrorist. In the case of “1984”, the terrorist was ironically called Goldstein, and in 2012 although Bin Laden is dead, there remains this nebulous international shifting force against which all liberty must be surrendered in the interests of security.
By the right of democratic referendum, initiative, and recall, Western Canada has the means of prosperity, freedom, and control of the vast territories of Western Canada of, for, and by Western Canadians. It was for the same reason that Americans in 1776 and thereafter decided to separate from the British Empire, which was becoming, as Canada is now, a centralized bureaucratic extracting force, willing to take whatever it needed from its various colonies, much as Ottawa takes and equalizes from its various provinces.
If we don’t create our own media, address these issues in a rational, constructive, peaceful, and democratic way, our adversaries will have the capacity to isolate, alienate, and criminalize each of us. We must stand together or we’ll all hang separately. Let freedom and truth prevail, where truth and error are free in rational discourse to refute each other. Political change is essential for the vital function of the state, which is to protect and preserve the liberty, property, and dignity of the individual. Free the West!
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