Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wikipedia’s Brave Stand

Wikipedia has done no favours for me. In fact, their reports on me are evid slanted to portray me in a negative way, but I agree with and admire their stand on SOPA and PIPA. The U.S. Congress and legislators around the world are always looking for some altruistic or moral excuse to control the flow of influence and knowledge.

It is vitally important that everyone becomes aware of the inherent danger of allowing any government regulator anywhere to control, regulate, and thus cripple the small independent sources of unofficial information on small websites around the world who can’t afford to fight. In essence, the Congress and Senate in total ignorance (I hope) are sounding more and more like the Communist Party of China. Media control, knowledge control, thought control… stop it now or regret it later!

America has been the last best bastion of freedom. This fight is worth the effort. Congratulations to Wikipedia. I will write the State Department, or better still phone the consulate of the United States where I live.

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